High-speed machining skills and their application in mold making

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High-speed machining skills and their application in mold making

Source: China Bearing Network Time: 2014-04-18

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【Abstract】Analysis of the basic concept of high-speed machining; Analyze the application of high-speed machining skills in mold making. Summarizes the basic principles of NC programming for high-speed machining and the demand for high-speed machining skills for CNC programming system. The existing high-speed machining method selected in the NC programming software.
Key words high-speed machining mold making CNC programming. Introduction. Bolilan stopped Chang'ao 甏 Bad Lulu Salomon After cutting experiments on different materials; found a funny appearance: with the addition of cutting speed; cutting temperature is added The unit cutting force is also added; when the cutting speed is added to a certain critical value; if it is added again; the cutting temperature and the cutting force are drastically decreased. Thus, the concept of high-speed machining is proposed; the so-called high-speed machining means high cutting speed. Cutting machining at critical speed. For different cutting data and different cutting methods; the cutting speed of high-speed cutting industry is different in scale; for milling aluminum and magnesium alloys; cutting speed is more than 1000m/min. For high speed machining; and for machining cast iron or steel;
Cutting speeds greater than 305m/min can be called high-speed machining. Following the development of skills; the concept of high-speed machining is constantly changing;
In general, high-speed milling has a high cutting speed and spindle speed; it should also have a high feed rate. For example, general finishing machining can reach 5000 to 15000mm/min. Rapid feed can reach 20,000 to 60,000mm/min.
Compared with conventional cutting machining; high-speed machining has the following advantages; 1 due to the high cutting speed and high feed rate; high-speed machining can cut more metal data in unit time; thus high cutting power, 2 in high-speed machining Time; can choose fewer steps;
The intention of reaching the quality of the surface of the advancing part; the selection of high-speed machining skills; the ability to make the surface of the part reach the grinding effect, 3 because the cutting force is greatly reduced during high-speed machining, and most of the cutting heat is carried away by the chip; thus the deformation of the workpiece is greatly reduced, 4 High cutting speeds mean high spindle speeds; the oscillation frequency encouraged by machine tool operations can be much higher than the natural frequency of the process system; thus oscillating the machine and process system.
Smooth; this is also conducive to the accuracy and appearance quality of the parts being machined, 5 due to high-speed machining; lower cutting temperature; unit cutting force is better than the 蚨 陀 陀 陀 陀 陀 艿 艿 艿 艿 艿 艿.
Because of these advantages, high-speed machining is first used in aerospace production. The impact of high-speed machining on aerospace is:
1Tradition is very difficult to process thin-walled parts and flexible data parts; it can use high-speed machining with small cutting force and low cutting temperature;
Using high-speed machining skills for machining, 2 high-speed machining has small cutting force and high cutting power; it can be processed with tools with large aspect ratio;
Therefore, it is necessary to describe some parts of the assembly as a whole part. For example, honeycomb parts, all the frame beams of the aircraft, etc., because of the high-speed machining at the time, it belongs to the top processing skills; and it is mainly used in the field of defense production such as aerospace. Therefore, developed countries have implemented the control policy for the export of high-speed processing machine tools. Following the advancement of skills; the high-speed machining skills are constantly sophisticated; the cost of high-speed machining machines is also declining; the high-speed machining skills have the ability to move to civilian production; Processing skills have a broad application prospect in the mold making profession. According to the characteristics of high-speed machining skills; high-speed machining skills used in mold making operations have the following advantages: 1 cutting processing; roughing; direct finishing; Finishing, 2 appearance quality advance; cut or no need to polish, 3 precision advance; reduce the amount of trial work, 4 can use small tools to process mold details; reduce electrode fabrication and electrical processing, 5 can be high precision, large feed Method of finishing the finishing of hardened steel; and reaching very high The quality of the mold appearance; thus it can reduce the traditional processing due to refining after finishing and inducing mold deformation.
The high-speed machining skills first touched on the three aspects of machine tools, tools, and high-speed machining CNC programming. At that time, high-speed machining machine tools and tooling skills have been properly carried out; it laid the foundation for the extensive use of high-speed machining skills.
High-speed machining machine tools perform high-speed machining skills; firstly, there should be high-speed machining machine tools. High-speed machining machine tools have different characteristics from traditional CNC machine tools. ǎ保└咚偌└咚偌不せ闹岵岵考灰蟛捎媚透呶隆咚8咚佟20. 艹惺艽蟮 汉 汉 傻 岢 岢 敝 敝 敝 敝 敝 敝 敝 敝 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Torque. With detection of overheating equipment and cooling equipment.
ǎ └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ せ 悴捎 悴捎 悴捎
ǎ └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 捎 捎 捎 捎 捎 捎 捎 捎 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 艿氖叵 怂闼俣鹊 怂闼俣鹊 怂闼俣鹊 怂闼俣鹊 怂闼俣鹊 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高 高Control function.
ǎ矗└咚偌 さ さ ǎ矗└咚偌 峁 峁 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 杓撇捎 贫 贫 贫 淮 淮 淮 淮 淮 淮 淮 淮 淮
ǎ ┪ ┪ 芑竦 芑竦 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 蔡 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 咚傩 螅 螅The HSK knives used generally use 1. The large taper shank of the traditional 暗 ∽ ∽ 龋 . . ..
ǎ叮└咚偌 ぞ哂惺卮朐だ 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 咚偌 咚偌 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷 骷Adjust the feed rate on the machine to meet the needs of custom tool track changes.
The basic principle of NC programming for high-speed machining has a special demand for the machining process. The high-speed machining CNC programming is a very messy skill; the NC code programmer must know the process of high-speed machining; When programming CNC machining programs; think about these machining processes; in general;
When using high-speed machining skills for mold processing; the following guidelines should be emphasized:
ǎ └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 捎诮俣 捎诮俣 捎诮俣 颓 颓 颓 颓 颓 颓 颓 Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ Φ The person should be able to fully predict how the tool cuts into the workpiece; how to cut out the workpiece; try to use a smooth cutting and cutting method; the best choice between the lower knife or the inter-row and inter-layer is the oblique lower knife or the arc lower knife; Straight down the knife directly close to the workpiece data.
ǎ ┰诮 ┰诮 ┰诮 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 龅 ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; Feed speed adjustment. However; when the machining direction is changed suddenly; because the speed of the machine tool is bound; therefore; there is no time to adjust the speed; forming overcut or (undercut); severe will form The tool is cracked.
Together; continuously adjust the feed rate will severely reduce the production power. Therefore; when writing high-speed machining CNC machining program; should try to prevent the change of the machining direction. The end of the cutting line is connected by arc; prevent straight line connection, interlayer should be selected Spiral connection; prevent straight line connection.
ǎ常┮】赡芪 愣ㄇ 愣ㄇ 愣ㄇ 愣ㄇ 鞲涸兀 鞲涸兀 魃疃 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱 ㄒ骱. Adhere to a stable load. When writing a high-speed machining NC program; should be able to fully consider the effect of residual margin; the best programming software has the residual function of the residual; the tool orbit calculation based on the residual margin; together with the tool Practice cutting orientation; prevent the appearance of the cutting line speed reduction; it is indeed in the normal high-speed machining cutting speed scale; multi-coordinate programming should be used as much as possible; the cutter shaft rotation is used to maintain the stable cutting contact orientation; the stable cutting speed is adhered to.
ǎ矗┑ 呗 呗 对 对 对 对 对 对 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 虻ピ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 On the one hand, the amount of data is too large; the data processing of the numerical control system is intensified; the feed rate must be reduced to the speed of the CNC system. On the other hand; between the straight line segments; C0 is connected; therefore, the numerical control system must be continuously Adjust the feed rate; the feed rate will not rise; the power will be severely affected.
ǎ ǎ ┰诮 ┰诮 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹 蘼鄞蛹
. ǎ叮┳ (14) 饨 嘀 嘀 嘀 嘀 嘀 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅 傅
High-speed machining requirements for NCP systems In order to be accustomed to the needs of high-speed machining CNC programming; CNC programming systems for high-speed machining should be satisfied with the corresponding special needs.
ǎ保保茫Xing low scale Ω magnesium 哂 叩 叩 叩 叩 惚喑趟俣龋 惚喑趟俣龋 诟咚偌 诟咚偌 诟咚偌 灰 灰 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 〉 Much more; together; due to the strict requirements of high-speed machining on the process, the general demand is not the same as the planned comparison; this is a larger programming workload; so the demand programming system should have a high programming speed.
ǎ 茫 茫 茫 茫 低 Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰 芰The results will be very severe. The traditional mold NC machining programming system generally uses some processing oriented to the surface; it is easy to attack and cut the surface; it is generally prevented by manual selection; it is difficult to ensure overcut protection Safety; other; high-speed machining is often used in the processing of molds for the processing of mold details; to replace the traditional electrode processing; this is; easier to dry the handle; this requires the NCP programming system can Actively review the statement.
ǎ ┦屎 ┦屎 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 茫 茫 茫 茫 Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚 恚Conditions and safety of machining.
ǎ矗└咚偌 け喑滔 秤 τ τ τ 械 械 τ τ τ τ τ τ 械 嗉 嗉 嗉 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 埽槐苊舛嘤嗟 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木 木Accounting; forward programming power.
ǎ └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 └咚偌 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 眨 眨 眨 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 埽 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫 褂茫
ǎ叮┦屎 咚偌 咚偌 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 け喑痰 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜 糜; Tool track accounting method based on residual margin.
ǎ ┦屎 ┦屎 ┦屎 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 咚偌 蛔詈 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 魈跫 魈跫 魈跫The degree of direction change (ie, the degree of change of the feed rate allowed to determine the arc segment with different radius of curvature); the relationship between the minimum radius of curvature on the track and the feed rate; the ability to satisfy the active adjustment of the cutting line speed by high-speed machining .
Introduction to the NCP System with High-Speed ​​Machining Programming Capabilities At the time, the discussion of NCP (CAM) systems for suitable high-speed machining programming attracted a wider focus; in many commercial CAs
D/CAM system; such as PowerMill of Delcom, UK, Cimatron of Israel, Unigraphics of the United States, school of mold, mold, school, Niu Rui, Rui Rui, Rui Rui, mold, mold, stop CAM has added a process strategy suitable for high-speed machining programming in the traditional NCP module. In summary, there are the following methods:
. ǎ ┎捎 ┎捎 饣 ( (9) said to fight.
In the process of general cutting generalization; there are normal forward and backward retreats; tangential advance and retreat knives and adjacent generalized angle splitting retracting knives, etc. In the process of high-speed machining generalization; general tangential direction should be adopted as much as possible The method of advance and retreat to ensure the smoothness of the tool track. When machining the surface; the traditional CNC machining method generally uses Z-direction straight forward and retracting the blade; the forward and reverse directions of the curved surface are reversed and retracted; When cutting the surface for surface machining; you can use the oblique or spiral feeding method. Together, the CAM system should use the common knowledge processing method; when the spiral feeding cuts into the data; the system will actively view the tool information; When the tool is found to have a blind zone; the radius of the spiral machining will not be unbounded. The commission will be refuted. This provides a comprehensive guarantee for the safety of the machining process.
. ǎ ┎捎 ┎捎 ┎捎 ┎捎 频 频 频 频 频
The transfer method mentioned here refers to the inter-row transfer knife in the line cutting; the inter-ring transfer knife in the ring cutting; the interlayer transfer knife in the contour processing, etc. The knife moving method used in the CAM software of the conventional cutting processing method Most of them are not suitable for high-speed machining. For example, when moving between rows, the cutters are mostly straight to the normal direction of the cutting direction; there are sharp corners in the tool path, in the case of loop cutting; The knife also directly shifts the knife from the normal direction of the original cutting track; it also causes the tool track to be in a non-slip state, when the tool is moved between the layers of the contour line processing; there is also a sharp angle of the cutting tool. Deceleration affects the power of the machining; then the high-speed machining can not truly reach the high-speed machining intention.
In the case of large cutting amount (row spacing) between rows; it is possible to use a method of cutting circular arc to transfer the knife. However, when the spacing of the rows is small, the arc will become a point due to the radius being too small; The transfer of the knife becomes a linear shifting knife; then it also causes the machine to preview the deceleration; affecting the processing power. Under this condition; the golf ball type shifting method should be used.
There are two ways to move the circumcision; one is the arc cut and the plunging. The disadvantage of this method is when machining 3D messy parts; because the transfer track directly generates a circle between the two tool paths.诩渚 蟮 蟮 蟮 蟮 岵 ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ ㄒ This method prevents the defects of the above method because the knife is finished in the space;
When performing contour processing, a variety of spiral transfer methods should be used between the cutting layers.
In the process of high-speed machining; in order to extend the service life of the tool and ensure the appearance quality of the machined parts; it should be able to adhere to stable cutting parameters; including the stability of cutting thickness, feed rate and cutting line speed. When encountering somewhere When the depth of cut can be added; the feed rate should be decreased; the deflection of the tool will cause the deflection of the tool; then the machining accuracy, appearance quality and tool life will be reduced. Therefore, in many cases it is necessary to summarize the workpiece. Some of the clutter is pre-disposed; in order to make the high-speed machining of the small-diameter tool without the "processing surplus" left by the large-diameter tool used in the previous process, the cutting load is increased. Therefore, many software supplies It is suitable for the function of “processing residual analysis” for high-speed machining; this function enables the CAM system to accurately know the orientation of the remaining locations after each cutting. This is the key to sticking to the constant load of the tool; The key to defeat.
ǎ矗┚哂腥 远 远 远 远 砑 砑 砑.
The cutting speed of high-speed machining is about 10 times higher than that of traditional processing methods; once the attack has been cut or dried; the results are unimaginable.
In high-speed machining; an important method of forward machining power is to use the remaining amount of machining or root cleaning; that is, using repeated machining or selecting a series of tools to process from large to small; until reaching the required scale; After the processing is completed, the demand system can actively prompt the minimum tool diameter and the minimum clamping length; and can actively carry out the tool dry and view. In addition; before the NC machining; in order to enable the user to intuitively determine whether the machining process can be over-cut Or the dryness of the shank; the CAM system should provide dynamic simulation verification of the machining process;
That is, the part model, tool body, cutting process and processing results in the process of processing; dynamically display different colors together;
Imitate the actual machining process of parts; not only can we investigate the machining process; but also be able to check whether the tool and the binding surface can be dry or machined. The more advanced approach is to link the machine model to the machining process simulation; Ability to investigate whether the tool can dry and bump with other parts other than the machined part (such as fixtures).
ǎ ┎捎眯 募 募 募 募 募 募 募.
. 幔诿鞑 糁 糁 募 募 募.
These years; many software in order to get used to the needs of high-speed machining; introduced the "secondary roughing" thinking; this thinking is the center of the "blank residual common sense" algorithm. According to the common sense of blank residual processing; simply based on residual blanks Processing. At the time of many roughing methods used at the time; this method has now been recognized by us. Its operation process is: first perform the initial roughing; then the processed shape is used to generate the next roughing position New blanks for the track. Then based on the new blank; use various methods of cutting (such as cutting; ring cutting, etc.)
Roughing. In fact, the whole process of thinking is to always adhere to the cutting of the tool; cut the empty knife; to reach the forward processing power.
In the CAM software with this processing method; once you specify the initial blank; and set the subsequent processing as the basis for the remaining blank;
The system always counts the remaining blanks after the previous step in the calculation of the next tool position. Because of the blank information at that time, the subsequent tool track can be optimized and reasonable.
In order to advance the cutting speed; a new method for tool path orbit calculation called "cycloid" machining is proposed. This processing method uses the side edge of the cutting tool to cut the processed material. The "cycloid" is a round one. The fixed point follows the track generated when the circle rolls in a straight line. Generally speaking;
The cycloid is a curve that assumes that there is a fixed point on curve A; when A rolls along another curve B without sliding; the track of the fixed point is a cycloid. "Cycloid" machining is very suitable for high-speed milling; The tool always moves along a curve with a fixed radius. Throughout the machining process; it keeps the tool motion consistent with the common feed rate.
The endangered 眨 眨 宀 宀 宀 宀 . . . ..
Traditional mold surface NC machining often uses linear interpolation and circular interpolation skills; it is not suitable for high-speed machining; one is because of the large amount of data; adding machine numerical control disposal time; one is not convenient for machine tools Feed speed control; affects the speed of processing. Many software and machine tools supply NURBS curve interpolation skills on the one hand greatly reduce the amount of data in the NC program; on the one hand smooth the CNC machining tool track.
Conclusion High-speed machining skills have a broad application prospect in mold making; high-speed machining machine tools and CNC skills are becoming more sophisticated. The development of CNC programming skills for high-speed machining technology is relatively backward; it has become a constraint on high-speed machining skills in mold making. The bottleneck. It is worthwhile to be happy; at that time, many CAM skill researchers and major CAD/CAM software developers were conducting extensive and in-depth discussions on high-speed machining CNC programming skills; trust in the near future; High-speed machining CNC programming system will be presented.

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