Reuters commentary (April 18)

LME Market: London Metal Exchange (LME) copper rebounded from earlier losses in late-night mixed trading on Monday, and fund buying helped defuse the pressure of technical selling. Traders said pricing for the third Wednesday of April The spot sales pressure that occurred during the event dragged down the futures prices, followed by a weaker U.S. dollar and the price distortions of recent months contracts spurred fund buying. One trader said, "From a technical point of view, copper prices are still fragile, but the use of funds The US dollar is gaining short-term profits, and tight supply will provide further support." The US dollar fell against the euro from the two-month high hit last week as investors continued to worry about the constitution of the US economy. Spot copper/three-month futures reversed the spread from last week. Five of the 160/170 US dollars per ton, enlarged to 170/171. On the cycle of copper hit a record high of 3,338 US dollars per ton, but the fund selling pressure fell by about 7% to a two-month low of 3,110 per ton, and then on Rebound on Friday. Traders said that copper futures may further suffer from fund selling because of market concerns about economic growth, and investors are worried that the demand for industrial metals may have peaked after the stock market fell on Monday. Ken busy? SPAN lang = EN-US> $ 10 a tonne from 1,270. Three-month nickel tumbled to $ 430 a tonne 15,350 / 355. Three-month lead 920/921 dollars a tonne last week The five-night comprehensive trade closed at 925. The three-month tin price was US$8,050/100 per ton, which was reported last Friday at 8,100/150. LME copper: three-month copper closed at US$3,180 per ton, compared to the late evening composite trading It fell 2 US dollars, but it was detached from the low of about 3,152 U.S. dollars. LME Aluminium: Three-month aluminum only fell 1 US dollar, to 1,862 yuan per tonne. COMEX copper: Copper futures exchange on the New York Mercantile Exchange (COMEX) closed flat on Monday. throw a small amount of selling, but it appeared in the low bargain hunting., a trader said, "... dish quite quiet. I think the current copper will be no major movements, people are in a wait state. " Indicator May copper closed flat at 1.4450 US dollars per pound, trading range 1.4290-1.4450. Spot April contract fell 0.10 cents to 1.4620 US dollars per pound. Other months contract from the close to rise 0.65 cents etc. traders said trading for the May contract extension to bring pressure, some investors to sell off the May contract, and holdings of July. one trader noted that the May contract There is a considerable number of outstanding positions that need to be rolled out or escaping before the April 29 notification date. Copper trading volume is estimated at 16,000, of which 3,079 are for rollover transactions; last Friday, the volume was 19,499. As of last week The five open interest contracts decreased by 2,934 to 118,204. Traders said that some factors led to intraday trading slump, the fund left the market, the owner took advantage of last Friday’s rally to make a small profit, and the arbitrager waited. Big fluctuations will enter the market. Some people pointed out that once the May rollover transaction is completed, fund buyers may return to the market.

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