Mistakes in corn topdressing and watering

Misunderstanding 1: Insufficient base fertilizer and high-quality agricultural fertilizer as base fertilizer can increase soil organic matter and soil aggregate structure, and provide various nutrients needed for corn growth and development. Fertilizer does not have this advantage. "Insufficient base fertilizer to chase (chemical) fertilizer generation" can only make the land more and more thin, and the more the species will become more and more knotted.
Misunderstanding 2: If there is fertilizer, it will be chased. If there is water, it will be poured in the seedling stage before the jointing. If it is not based on the degree of drought, good moisture, and the strength of the seedlings, it will be topdressed and watered. The root system of the underground is difficult to deepen, so that the seedlings lose the opportunity to exercise the seedlings, and the plants are buried in the future. Excessive topdressing and watering during the filling period not only increases investment, but also wastes fertilizer, and also causes corn to be late and ripe, and suffers from the adverse consequences of frost.
Misunderstanding 3: Most of the water is rich in fertilizer. The water and fertilizer are the prerequisites for high yield of corn. But improper use is only harmful and unprofitable. Spring sowing corn begins at jointing stage, and vegetative growth and reproductive growth go hand in hand. The booting to heading reaches the peak period, and the flowering to filling stage turns to reproductive growth. The period from the booting to the filling stage is the period in which the water and fertilizer are most needed. The cultivation should be carried out with “three top dressing, three watering, and three medium farming”. After the beginning of jointing, the first point of topdressing is carried out, and timely tillage is carried out. After the start of the booting, a second top dressing is carried out and cultivating. In the third round of top dressing during grouting, the total amount of these three top dressings should not exceed 30 kg. The amount of topdressing can be grasped before the light, medium and heavy weight: the jointing period is 30% of the total fertilization, the booting stage is 60% of the total fertilization, and the filling period is 10% of the total fertilization. Topdressing with urea is appropriate.
Misunderstanding 4: Emphasis on NPK, contempt for micro-fertilizer Micro-fertilizer has a great influence on the growth and development of crops. In terms of zinc fertilizer, corn is very sensitive to its response. Some experiments have shown that: the application of zinc fertilizer in corn, the number of grains per ear can be increased by 50 to 80, the weight of 1000 grains can be increased by 15 to 30 grams, the rate of baldness is reduced by about 50%, and the yield per acre is increased by 8% to 15%.
Misunderstanding 5: After heading, there is no need for topdressing or cultivating. After corn heading, there are many plots because the application of base fertilizer is insufficient or the quality is not high, and the effect of topdressing is exhausted. The nutrition in the soil can not meet the growth needs of corn. It is urgent to consider some quick-acting nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers to prevent premature aging, promote grouting and grain fullness, and increase 1000-grain weight. This time, "seeding the seed fertilizer" should be applied early, the hole is applied, and the amount is applied. To change the old practice of "establishing the autumn hook, eliminating the leisure and other autumn harvest", it is necessary to be shallow, diligent, and always keep alive.
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