New discovery: permanent magnets help optimize the geometry of future fusion reactors

According to foreign media reports, recently, Michael Zarnstorff of the Max Planck Plasma Physics Research Center in New Jersey is helping his son complete a scientific exhibition project (he wants to build an orbital gun) At that time, realized that the neodymium boron magnet is now powerful enough to replace the superconducting coil.

The concept design of the Zalsdorf team combines a simple toroidal superconducting coil and a flat magnet attached to the outside of the plasma vacuum container. Just like a refrigerator magnet, it sticks to one side only and mainly generates a magnetic field inside the container.

To this end, the researchers proposed a simplified design of a nuclear fusion reactor based on strong permanent magnets.

It is understood that when the nuclear fusion reactor is in the prototype stage, they will confine the plasma in a ring magnetic field and heat it to millions of degrees Celsius. The goal is to fuse light nuclei into heavy nuclei and release a lot of energy.

There is also a component called a star, which requires complex superconducting coils to twist the plasma as it moves inside the ring. It is undeniable that this is a design with great potential.

Scientists say that in the future, superconducting coils will be easier to manufacture and leave more space around the vacuum container, which can be used as a key component for future nuclear fusion reactors. (city)

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